Week 1: Self Study + Tutorial

Self Study

This week to learn how to use blender I have created a wooden barrel and the red Japanese bridge from the botanical gardens in Hobart.

To first create the barrel I followed a tutorial from SirPinkBeard on YouTube, linked below. The video works through first modeling a barrel and then using texture paint to then paint the barrel.

Once I created the barrel I then played around with the shading options to try to create different color barrels for various uses inside games. this led me to find a stack exchange post, linked below, which led me to this set up which by switching the mixing method for the colors from multiply could led to a many different styles of colored barrels.

This led me to create this final product.

Next I worked on creating the bridge. The bridge was a lot harder to make because I did not have a step by step tutorial, so the first thing I needed to do was find a good reference image and I choose the one below.

The red bridge at Hobart's Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens

Image from: https://novisiblemeans.com/royal-tasmanian-botanical-gardens/

This image I used to model the shape of the bridge after and the to match the colors to when painting. The first problem I arrived to when modeling the bridge was that the crescent shape of the bridge is non standard so I started modeling out with a circle mesh which I halved to make a semi circle. This allowed me to model the bridge but led to my next problem when mapping out the texture to paint, which was that apart from the balls I added later the rest of the textures appeared as a single pixel on the texture map and could not be scaled to a larger size, shown in the red and cream.

This was a strange problem but one that I fixed by spreading out my textures and separating them by color groups. In the end I succeeded with creating the bridge that resembled the reference image.

To add some texture and variation to the bridge I then added a brick texture in the shading menu and made this.


For Tutorial 1 I imported my self study models into unity to create a scene. Next I found a roller coaster model on 3D warehouse and a bench seat and tree models on the Unity asset store. With these models I created a scene of a theme park centered around a roller coaster. 

I also used the Unity terrain object to create a background and add some detail, like a river, to the foreground.

Barrel Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HggtU6Nzlao

Create object with different colors: https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/242641/create-object-with-different-...

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