Week 2: Self Study + Tutorial

Self Study

This week I created a character and three different animations for it. I create a idle, walk, and wave animation but first I created a character that I used to these animations. I tried to use blenders built in sculpt tools to sculpt a modified cube, with extensions for the body parts into a more human like shape.

My final creation is less of a human character and more of discarded soft toy. Next I inserted its bones into the correct areas.

This allowed me to get to my final goal and create the three animations. First I created an idle animation which is a simple sway of the body.

Next I created a walk animation which I tried to model of myself walking.

Finally I created a wave animation, unfortunately when the animation raised its arm, the are raised backwards which I tried briefly to fix but thought it suited the horror toy aesthetic.


This tutorial focus on getting the a player to play animation and move around the world.  The final task of the tutorial was to make my character play a walking animation when moving around the scene.  I did this by simple checking if the movement value was above an threshold and playing the animation if the was the case and stopping it when it was not.

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